$100m for "critical" road upgrade in Caboolture region

Published 4:30pm 11 May 2022

$100m for "critical" road upgrade in Caboolture region
Words by Nick Crockford

An appeal has been answered for $100 million in road funding towards a “critical” project in the Caboolture region.

Federal Member for Longman Terry Young today announced the LNP would commit half the cash for the $200m Buchanan Rd upgrade – if re-elected on May 21.

The upgrade would make Buchanan Rd four lanes from the Bruce Highway to Morayfield Rd, with a bridge over the railway at Sheep Station Creek.

As the region grows, it will become a major part of the road network and designed to carry 32,000 vehicles a day by 2036.

$100m for "critical" road upgrade in Caboolture region

“Many residents have asked how people will access the Bruce Highway without creating chaos on Caboolture River Road and Buchanan Road," Mr Young said. 

“Today I want to announce we have a solution on that – it’s a $200 million project and council put the call out (for funding support) couple of weeks ago.

“We responded and I’m please to say, if re-elected, the coalition government will commit $100m to this project.”

“This is a much-needed piece of infrastructure for the Longman community and this commitment from the Coalition will ensure residents can travel safely and reduce congestion on our roads.”

$100m for "critical" road upgrade in Caboolture region

The $200 million project will be a 50/50 funding agreement with Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC) and built in three stages.

Stage 1 will see the duplication of Buchanan Rd to the Bruce Highway interchange, including signals at the Graham Rd intersection.

Stage 2 includes duplicating Buchannan Rd from west of Graham Rd to Kirkcaldy St.

Stage 3 duplicates Buchanan Rd and William Berry Dve, including construction of a bridge over the rail line and Sheep Station Creek.

$100m for "critical" road upgrade in Caboolture region

This infrastructure also addresses the flooding issues currently experienced when Buchanan Rd and the road under train bridge are cut off during major rain events.

Mayor Peter Flannery said it was “very exciting news” for a road corridor which currently carries 19,5000 vehicles a day.

“We put the call out for the candidates in Longman that we have a huge project in the Caboolture West area.,” he said.

“70,000 people, the size of Mackay City, are going to be there in the next few years and east-west connection is critical for future growth areas and existing populations.

$100m for "critical" road upgrade in Caboolture region

“To have an announcement of $100m dollars is an enormous benefit for local government so we can deliver these projects knowing we have support of the federal government. “

“Thank you to Terry for working very hard on that along with the LNP Government. It’s going to be a game-changer for us in the northern part of the Moreton Bay Region.”

Federal Minister for Finance Simon Birmingham said Terry Young had “made sure” the government understood “the growth pressure in this part of the world and the need for investment in critical infrastructure.

$100m for "critical" road upgrade in Caboolture region

“That is why we are pleased to step up to the plate with this $100m commitment if re-elected we will invest in this critical road project.”

In last week’s appeal for funding, Mayor Flannery said “the crisis that’s coming for the Bruce Highway and our regional arterial roads isn’t a future problem, the issue already exists. We could be ready to start works as soon as 2026, we just need the money.

“We would consult with residents, as we are already doing, and we’d plan to roll-out this project in four stages timed to minimise the impacts on surrounding communities and traffic.”


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