A lesson in generosity and empathy

Published 12:00pm 5 December 2022

A lesson in generosity and empathy
Words by Ashleigh Howarth

The Christmas spirit of helping others is well and truly alive at Caboolture Montessori School, with students donating food and toys to help the less fortunate.

The school community collected enough items to fill an empty van, which they happily donated to the team of volunteers from Caboolture Community Action during their Christmas Carols Assembly last week.

Caboolture Montessori School Principal Yvonne Rinaldi said she was proud of her little school community for thinking of others.

“The generosity from our students and their parents was absolutely outstanding – I have never seen as much generosity as I did this year,” Yvonne said.

“In the van was everything that a family could need, such as toys, nappies, food, dog food, toothbrushes and Christmas pudding, just to name a few.

“This is teaching the students that it is better to give than to receive as well as having empathy for others in the community.

“I couldn’t be prouder of the kids and our little school community.”

Yvonne says the school is committed to helping Caboolture Community Action where they can.

“Caboolture Community Action is one organisation we want to continue supporting because they do so much good work in helping others,” Yvonne said.

“We will continue to support them every year by doing a collection of food and toys." 

A lesson in generosity and empathy


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