Beach-front tree deliberately poisoned

Published 1:00pm 23 July 2024

Beach-front tree deliberately poisoned
Words by Nick Crockford

A huge Norfolk Pine tree on Redcliffe’s foreshore has been deliberately poisoned and is in danger of being cut down.

The tree, just a minute’s walk north from Redcliffe jetty along the Esplanade footpath, already appears to be struggling.

Cr Karl Winchester (Div 6) said: “Following a complaint I visited the site and noted there were two holes drilled deep into the back of the Norfolk Pine.

“I raised this with Council and an arborist took a sample which sadly came back showing the tree had poison injected into the drilled holes.”

A spokesperson for Moreton Bay City Council said lab results have “confirmed herbicide was present”.

The tree’s upper branches now appear to be dying.

“Signs have been put in place. While efforts to save the tree have been made, the health continues to deteriorate,” Cr Winchester said.

“The tree is being monitored and the vandalism has been referred to the police.

“It's very sad to see this tree dying and even worse to think someone has done this deliberately.”

Council’s spokesperson said the tree would “likely be removed if it does not recover” and confirmed the poisoning is “now a police matter”.


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