Beachmere Road upgrade to start

Published 7:00am 29 March 2023

Beachmere Road upgrade to start
Words by Kylie Knight

Work is expected to start on the $15.2 million Beachmere Rd upgrade mid this year after design work was recently completed.

The safety improvement project aims to reduce the risk of serious crashes on the stretch of road including:

• widening to 9m from Jocelyn St to west of King Johns Creek

• adding wider shoulders and wide centre lines to separate oncoming vehicles

• adding a dedicated right-turn lane for eastbound motorists at the Riversleigh Rd intersection

• adding a dedicated right-turn lane for eastbound motorists accessing Monty's Marina

• resurfacing between Jocelyn St and Egan Ave

State Member for Pumicestone Ali King says planning continues for ‘further active transport options for Beachmere Rd’.

“I promised our community at the 2020 election that we would upgrade Beachmere Rd, and now work is about to start,” she says.

“This $15.275 million dollar project will significantly reduce the risk of head-on crashes by installing wide centre lines, meaning oncoming vehicles have greater separation.

“New right-turn lanes at Riversleigh Road and Monty’s Marina will provide safer turning options and help with traffic flow.”

“This upgrade is another example of our commitment to getting Queenslanders home sooner and safer on our roads.”

For more information, visit


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