
Big year for North Lakes Lions

By Lion Chris Doyle

What an extraordinary year it’s been here in North Lakes, but despite the copious challenges encountered with the COVID-19 pandemic, we still managed to be highly visible, proactive and effective in our community.

Just some of the projects that immediately come to mind from 2022 are: Children of Courage; The High Tea; a flurry of interesting guest speakers; Bunning’s barbecues; visiting and distributing essential packs to local victims of the floods; Lions Christmas cakes and puddings; Lions Wish tank Project with lawn maintenance; spectacle collection; parking marshalling for major events, and special projects like forming work teams to complete maintenance tasks for struggling residents.

We’re very lucky at our club in having such an array of capable and generous people, who give their time and talents to benefit others. Well done.

What’s on the plate now?

We are well under way with preparations for projects we intend to undertake in 2023 when we resume after the Christmas break.

Previously, the biggest project in our year has been our Trivia Night and we’ll be staging this event again next March. I’ll make everyone aware of the final date once it’s decided, however you’ll have to be on your toes, as this night gets sold out very quickly. Get your tables of 10 together now.

Another subject we’re becoming passionate about is Queensland farmers. One of our guest speakers this year, local bush poet Mick Martin, brought to our attention a couple of projects he’s involved with in helping struggling farmers.

Firstly, the suicide prevention charity “Are You Bogged Mate” which aims to boost awareness and start a conversation with the broader community about the rising issue of depression and suicide rates among men in rural areas.

Mick and a bunch of his mates recently identified eight Queensland farmers and arranged for them and their wives through a raffle, to partake in a fishing trip to K'gari (Fraser Island). This adventure was a Godsend for our rural winners and the local business fraternity turned it on with accommodation, food and drinks, fishing tackle, warm jackets and donations.

The farming wives were hosted at the retreat and had daily tours. There was also top quality “pamper packs” of high-end cosmetics donated. This was very much appreciated by all and sundry, and the word was that the recipients would do it again in a heartbeat, even though they were reluctant to leave their farms.

The second project of note is where Mick co-ordinates a bunch of his tradie mates who carefully dismantle kitchens from renovation jobs and install them into farmers’ houses. The guys recently transformed a plain but clean farmhouse kitchen to a $33,000 dream kitchen, and installed a new floor, all electrical appliances, wiring, lights, sink, plumbing, painting, induction cooktop, ovens, and much more. This generosity has an enormous impact on the farmers and their families and warms the hearts of all who become aware of this great initiative.

Our club will be making a sizeable donation and will feature Mick at our Bunning’s barbecue on Saturday, January 14. There will be a public donation bucket there on the day.

Farmers turned fishermen at K'gari, Fraser Island.

A closing comment

Nobody can effectively publicise without the help of the media. Moreton Daily Senior Editor Kylie Knight and her team have supported our club with online editorial this year, and for that we say THANK YOU.

We also extend to you our best wishes for a MERRY CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR, from all the members of The North Lakes Lions Club.

Become a member

You can join the North Lakes Lions Club by phoning our membership officer Lion Greg on 0422 422 710. Greg will answer any initial questions and invite you to a dinner meeting.

Joining our club, you’ll instantly experience our “Many hands make light Work-ethic” and new residents can make friends, integrate into our community, and help others with your individual skillset.

Until next time,