
Caboolture Made campaign ramps up

Supporters of a campaign, which aims to raise the profile of Caboolture, will ramp up their efforts in the coming months and are calling on proud locals to get behind it.

Caboolture Made is a community-led initiative aiming to improve the image of Caboolture.

It started as a Moreton Bay City Council project but is evolving to be taken over by the community to drive success for local businesses and champions.

Members of the steering committee, Greater Caboolture Chamber of Commerce President Carla Melbourne and BPW Moreton Bay President Vicki Wood, say they aim to spread the word, so individuals help make ‘Caboolture and surrounds a great place to work and love’.

“We have all heard plenty of jokes about Caboolture and surrounds, but the reality is that this is boom town. Caboolture and surrounds is under a time of rapid growth and development,” Carla says.

“There is significant investment being made by government at all levels into this region. It is clear that Caboolture is transforming and is a vital hub in the City of Moreton Bay. We want to encourage investment and pride in the area.”

Vicki says the campaign aims to ‘enhance the visibility and bolster the business confidence of Caboolture and its surrounding regions’.

“Our goal is to challenge misconceptions and shine a spotlight on the community's strengths, including its vibrant local assets, high quality of life, abundant opportunities, and thriving businesses,” she says.

“We are counting on the active participation and support of the broader business community to amplify our message, particularly through social media channels.

“By highlighting success stories, community achievements, and unique local features, we aspire to generate a positive momentum that will sustain and grow organically, driven by the collective enthusiasm and involvement of the Caboolture community.

“We invite all businesses and residents to join us in this endeavour, to share their stories, and to contribute to a movement that celebrates the spirit and potential of Caboolture and surrounds.”

Caboolture Made is supported by a number of prominent local business, the Greater Caboolture Chamber of Commerce, Business and Professional Women (BPW) Moreton Bay and the City of Moreton Bay Council.

It is free to be involved and all businesses are welcome to take part.

How businesses can join in

  • Follow Caboolture Made on social media
  • Provide a video to introduce themselves to other locals and explain why they are proud to be Caboolture Made
  • Use the Caboolture Made brand in their advertising, videos, websites and products
  • Encourage and support other local businesses they see using the Caboolture Made brand

How residents can join in

  • Follow Caboolture Made on social media
  • Encourage and support local businesses they see using the Caboolture Made brand
  • Send information to
  • Create videos, let Caboolture Made know about events that are happening, and about significant milestones for businesses, sporting teams or community groups (awards, anniversaries, expansions)

Why Caboolture Made is important

Vicki says the campaign’s success will benefit everyone.

“The Caboolture Made theme should create a sense of pride and encourage people to support businesses and organisations across Caboolture,” she says.

“It will encourage pride which, in turn, encourages growth ... shopping local which, in turn, gives investment into the community on a monetary level as well as a community inspired level, driving more expenditure and liveability in the community.”

The steering committee is urging local businesses, schools, charities and sporting groups to ‘shout out’ that they are Caboolture Made.

“I would love to see a Caboolture Made logo in all local business shop fronts and on sporting team uniforms,” Carla says.

“We are encouraging small local businesses to film a video to introduce themselves to other locals and explain why they are proud to be Caboolture Made.

“The crowning jewel for Caboolture Made will be a festive meet up where every business in the Caboolture and Surrounds area is invited to physically meet up, network and collaborate.”

The steering committee hopes the Caboolture Made brand will become ‘an icon of our local area’.

“I would like to see local people being able to rely on the Caboolture Made brand to know that they are supporting a local business, for businesses to use the Caboolture Made brand to source local suppliers and connections and for businesses launching products into other regional, state, national and international markets to be proud of their home roots in Caboolture and Surrounds,” Carla says.

To find out more, follow Caboolture Made on Facebook or check out the Caboolture Made page on the City of Moreton Bay website