Campaign to combat driver distraction

Published 12:00pm 22 December 2022

Campaign to combat driver distraction
Words by Ashleigh Howarth

With millions of people expected to pack up their car and travel to see family and friends over the summer holidays, the RACQ has one simple message for all road users – “Stop multi-tasking. Just drive”.

The message has been plastered on billboards across the state in an effort to change driver behaviour and create awareness about the dangers of distracted driving.

RACQ General Manager Advocacy Joshua Cooney said despite people losing their lives on the roads due to inattention, Queenslanders were still not hearing the message.

“Last year 23 people died in road crashes involving inattentive or distracted motorists, but according to our 2022 Annual Road Safety Survey, many Queenslanders still don’t take distracted driving seriously,” Joshua said.

“Our research shows 64 per cent of drivers admit to using a hands-free mobile phone behind the wheel, almost 32 per cent said they use a hand-held phone, 74 per cent said they eat and drink, and nearly 60 per cent view or enter GPS settings while driving.

“With so much going on in our lives it’s easy to be distracted while driving but getting safely to the destination must be our only objective.

“It’s so important to avoid doing anything that takes your eyes off the road, hands off the wheel or mind off the critical task of driving.”

The RACQ is also urging motorists to be aware of the Fatal Five – Speeding, driving under the influence of substances (drugs and/or alcohol), not wearing a seatbelt, driving whilst fatigued, and driving while distracted (including mobile devices).


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