Chamber to discuss ways to help businesses prepare for wild weather

Published 10:00am 18 October 2022

Chamber to discuss ways to help businesses prepare for wild weather
Words by Ashleigh Howarth
Above: Members from the Greater Caboolture Chamber of Commerce at a previous event. 

Members from the Greater Caboolture Chamber of Commerce will gather at a breakfast meeting this week to talk about preparing for and recovering from unplanned events, such as wild weather.

The business breakfast will be held at the Caboolture Business Hub on Thursday, October 20, with members and other business owners from the community encouraged to attend. 

Greater Caboolture Chamber of Commerce President Naomi Spence is hoping to see lots of people attend this important information session.

“With another predicted wet season with the potential for more flooding, we will be hearing from three service providers who will each discuss the services and resources available to businesses from Federal, State and Local governments,” Naomi said.

“Planning for the unexpected is often a neglected part of business strategies, but it makes a big difference to the business’s resilience and ability to recover.”

Tickets are $35 for chamber members and $55 for non-members.

For more information, visit the Greater Caboolture Chamber of Commerce website or their Facebook page.

Chamber to discuss ways to help businesses prepare for wild weather

A growing organisation

The Greater Caboolture Chamber of Commerce was formed early 2022 as a way of advocating for the growth and prosperity of the region.

“The group is going great guns this year,” Naomi says.

“We have about 85 members, which is amazing given that we only started in February 2022.

“All of our members come from a broad range of businesses and industries.

“We have some large-scale businesses like the Comiskey Group right through to small businesses and small traders.

“We have got professionals from a wide range of services through to local banks, motels, hospitality, tourism, agricultural and more.”

The chamber held it’s first AGM in August, with Naomi saying a number of “team players” put their hand sup to be part of the board.

“Everyone has a diverse range of skills and background which will really benefit the chamber,” Naomi explained.

Members get together each month, with the chamber alternating between a breakfast meeting and a business after dark meeting.

“We recognise some people can only meet at certain times, so that is why we try and host both morning and evening events,” Naomi said.


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