Free sports day to tackle mental health

Published 12:00pm 11 September 2024

Free sports day to tackle mental health
Words by Ashleigh Howarth

A free community sports day aimed at helping young people tackle their mental health issues while engaging with local services in a fun and relaxed environment will be held at North Lakes this month.

Kids of all ages and backgrounds are invited to attend the first ever Smile Back Sports and Wellness Day, which will be held at Aurora Boulevard Park in North Lakes on September 20.

The event will be hosted by Smile Back Founder Gina Marumazwitswa, who launched the social enterprise in 2023 to help young people from migrant, immigrant and refugee families break down the stigma associated with mental health.

“I wanted to provide a fun and safe space where young people can stay connected and engaged with sport while also having access to various community resources and activities, so that’s how I came up with the idea of a free community sports day” Gina says.

“Sport is a great way to help improve people’s mental health and wellbeing because it keeps you moving and releases endorphins that make you feel happy.

“It can also give you a sense of community by being part of a team, as well as providing you with good role models you can turn to.”

With a jam-packed day of activities, including a DJ, sausage sizzle, and food trucks, Gina says there will be something for everyone.

“On the day we will have so many fun activities planned like basketball, soccer, touch football and more, so come on down and join in the fun.”

Gina has also partnered with several community organisations who will be there on the day to talk about the services they provide.

“I have partnered with the YMCA at North Lakes, the PCYC at Deception Bay, headspace at Strathpine, Dolphins NRL, Touch Football Queensland, and the North Lakes Library, all of whom will be there on the day,” Gina says.

“Each of those organisations have lots of amazing programs that residents might not know about.

“The YMCA and PCYC run lots of different activities for the young people of Moreton Bay, especially during the school holidays, and Touch Football Queensland have a program for young girls to be involved in.

“headspace is another place that young people can go if they need help or someone to talk to, and the North Lakes Library has a safe space where they run activities as part of their after dark program.

“I am also thankful to have support from Pasifika Families, and the City of Moreton Bay.

“I really hope this day goes well and it can become a regular event.”

Event details

Date: Friday, September 20

Time: 10am-2pm

Location: Aurora Boulevard Park, North Lakes

Cost: Free

About Smile Back

Having experienced her own mental health challenges, Gina (pictured above) founded Smile Back in August 2023 as a way to help others.

“I was born in Zimbabwe, lived in England for a few years, and then came to Australia,” Gina explains.

“I was always a fun and outgoing kid, but my mental health issues started when I was 18.

“I started to develop anxiety, but I didn’t understand what it was because we didn’t talk about it growing up – I lacked the basic understanding of what mental health was, like many other people from different nationalities and backgrounds.

“I was ashamed that I was feeling weak, so I started to suppress it which led to me losing 5kgs.

“I was also having panic attacks, but I didn’t know they were panic attacks – I thought it was a problem with my heart.

“Then one day a friend of mine told me she thought I had anxiety.

“Three years later, after a bad anxiety episode, another friend encouraged me to try therapy.

“I was extremely anxious and worried about starting therapy, but it was the best thing I have ever done because I started to feel more empowered and validated.

“It changed my mindset that I wasn’t weak to address my mental health, which made me a much stronger person.

“That is what I want to do to help others – let them know they can reach out for help, and to check on their inner circle.”

Through Smile Back, Gina plans to launch her own clothing line, host a podcast, as well as hold various community days like the sports and wellness day to encourage people to be mindful of their mental health.

For more information, follow Smile Back on Instagram or email [email protected]


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