
Free training workshops to build a more resilient community

A number of free workshops will be held in Redcliffe this March to help community leaders grow their knowledge and skills on how best to support their region following a natural disaster.

Hosted by Uniting Care (including Lifeline), Redcliffe Uniting Church and Redcliffe Community Hub, the Disaster Community Care and Recovery workshops will be held over two days on March 9 and 10.

Reverend Tim Griggs from Redcliffe Uniting says he is looking forward to being a part of these important workshops.

“This training will equip many people from across the Moreton Bay Region with the skills and confidence needed to be on the frontline – whether it is supporting someone in emotional distress or struggling post-natural disasters like the flooding that impacted our region 12 months ago,” Tim says.”

Since the floods in early 2022, and with many other factors including the rental crisis and the cost of living affecting people’s mental health, Tim says the tools taught in these workshops could be applied to any situation – regardless of whether you are a community leader, a religious figure, or someone who is talking to their neighbour over the back fence.

Due to these factors, plus more, Tim says there has been an increase in the number of people reaching out for help.

“The number of people that we are seeing right across the board who are presenting with significant levels of distress is increasing dramatically, especially around the time of and emerging from COVID,” Tim explains.

“This presents various mental health concerns, including emotional or psychological distress, to people who just need someone to talk with, or people who need help to access services and support.

“A large percentage of our community are dealing with major issues, and often in these times, it feels so overwhelming.

“Having someone who is available in lots of different ways and spaces that can assist where they can and then refer when they need to is critical for our community to thrive.”

The workshops are open for anyone who would like to attend.

Training components

Day 1 – Strengthening Connections Workshop

The session will focus on the support that is given to someone immediately following a disaster or critical event until more appropriate professional help is available, and/or until the person is less overwhelmed and more able to cope.

During this session participants will learn:

  • Recognise signs of emotional/psychological distress.
  • Respond to the person’s immediate needs with care and support.
  • Refer confidently to appropriate services.
  • Recognise the signs a person may be having thoughts of suicide and respond and refer appropriately.

Day 2 – Pastoral Care and Community Disaster Recovery Chaplaincy Workshop

When disasters strike, people are affected in every aspect of their lives physically, emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. A holistic approach is needed to take into account all aspects of a person’s experience.

Chaplaincy Training prepares people to:

  • Provide pastoral presence and support to people and communities following disasters.
  • Participate in recovery activities.
  • Provide resources, training and support to local ministry agents as they, in turn, support their communities in recovery.

Register your interest

Community members who are interested in attending the workshops can register their attendance by visiting Eventbrite.

The workshops will be held at Redcliffe Uniting Community Hub, located at 1 Richens Street, Redcliffe.

The workshops will be held from 9am-4pm both days.

Lunch, as well as morning and afternoon tea will be included. Vegetarian and gluten free options are available.