Generous donation keeps RFDS flying

Ladies from the Queensland Country Women’s Association (QCWA) Pine Rivers Branch have thrown their support behind the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS) Queensland section, donating $4000 to keep the iconic Australian health service in the sky.

The group raised the impressive figure by hosting fundraising events like cent auctions and fashion parades, as well as catering private functions and having stands at local businesses.

QCWA Pine Rivers President Jill McLeod invited Val Marlow, who is the President of the RFDS Brisbane Auxiliary, to attend their meeting on February 7, where she surprised her with a cheque.

“We are proud to make this donation to the RFDS and we hope it will go a long way in supporting them,” Jill said.

“A lot of people don’t realise the money we raise goes back into the community – we support a lot of different organisations and causes.

“I hope now that people know that they will feel more inclined to come to our many great events.”

The RFDS does receive some government funding, but ti also relies on donations, sponsorship and bequests. 

Val Marlow, who has been a volunteer with the RFDS since 1986, said this donation would ensure they can help more sick people in their time of need.

“The RFDS is an amazing organisation that helps so many people, and we couldn’t do what we do without the support of wonderful people in the community like yourselves,” Val says.

“The RFDS is there to help sick and injured people in rural and remote communities. It is a completely free service, and all our highly trained pilots, nurses and doctors are available 24/7.

“I like to say to people it’s the cheapest flight you will ever take, but it’s one you don’t want to take.

“If you ever do need to take that flight, it could just save your life because it is a flying intensive care unit.

“Thanks to your donation, we will be able to continue saving more lives.”

A year in the life of the Flying Doctor in Queensland

The RFDS (Queensland section) delivers quality aeromedical retrieval services, interhospital transfer, as well as essential primary and preventative healthcare services to regional, rural and remote Queenslanders.

Each year in Queensland:

  • More than 12,500 patients are transferred via aeromedical services.
  • More than 26,500 consultations are conducted at RFDS GP and Nurse clinics in Queensland.
  • Almost 24,000 remote telehealth calls are completed.
  • 1800 consultations by their RFDS Mobile Dental Service.
  • More than 3500 vaccinations administered.
  • Nearly 12,000 consultations carried out by headspace Cairns and RFDS Mental Health specialists.
  • Now more than 1200 medical chests located in rural and remote locations across Queensland and just over the border with the Northern Territory.

For more information, visit the RFDS Queensland website.

Join the QCWA ladies

If you are looking for a fun way to give back to your community, join the QCWA Pine Rivers Branch, or attend one of their fundraisers.

The group have locked in two cent auction fundraisers this year, which will be held on June 29 and December 7 at the Show Hall at the Pine Rivers Showground.

You can contact the Pine Rivers QCWA Branch by phoning Anna on 0402 227 631, or send an email to

The group also have an active Facebook page.