
Give Xena a home

This young, playful greyhound has been rescued and needs a home to call her own. Can you help?

Xena is a sweet-natured and playful, three-year-old Greyhound with a happy, stumpy tail.

She’s friendly and affectionate and loves people, but sadly experiences anxiety when she's left alone.

Xena has been in the care of rescue group I Want A Greyhound - IWaG - Greyhound Adoption, Education and Support QLD since September 2020 and her foster carer has been working on increasing her confidence and independence.

IWaG is grateful to now be working with Northshore Pet Resort to find Xena the perfect forever home.

She needs a home where she can have the full-time human company she needs, while receiving the support she needs to blossom.

The team at Northshore Pet Resort say Xena has settled in well, enjoying the resort life routine and some human attention and love.

She is very affectionate, has a friendly and sweet personality, takes her medication without any drama, and loves to go out for a run around the yards with the staff.

Staying at the resort is only a temporary solution and both IWaG and Northshore would like to see Xena move into a forever home, rather than another foster home.

Northshore Pet Resort Director Kylie Mackay said Xena deserves a chance at a normal life, and the time to enjoy being a loved and valued companion animal for the right human.

Xena’s requirements for the perfect forever home are:

  • No other pets (dogs or cats)
  • No children - older dog savvy teenagers may be okay
  • Preferably two adults in the home
  • Someone home all the time. She would suit a retired couple or someone who works from home
  • A friend, family member or neighbour could keep her company if the whole family will be out for a long period of time
  • The time and willingness to participate in the separation anxiety training provided by IWaG
  • The willingness to work with her behavioural vet

Other considerations

Xena will need somewhere that can provide her with the support and love to flourish into her full potential as a wonderful companion dog and household pet.

She has demonstrated a clever nature and has attended Greyhound 101 classes with Fellowship of the Paws - Dog training - and now needs some specialist training to help her with some food aggression and separation anxiety.

IWaG believe that Xena will thrive with this extra support and will provide Xena's family with free specialist separation anxiety training from Vanessa Jones of Ruff Diamonds Dog Services

Training is conducted remotely, so there's no need to travel, however, you will need to participate in Zoom meetings and have the ability to:

  • Record the hound when you leave the room (there are apps available to do this and/or IWaG can provide a remote access camera),
  • Record training sessions and send them to Vanessa.

Separation Anxiety In Dogs Decoded training requires a commitment of at least 8 weeks and will include:

  • An initial one-hour Zoom assessment,
  • Daily training plans that you will need to video each day and send to Vanessa,
  • A weekly, half-hour Zoom call.

If you think you could help Xena phone IWaG directly on 0421 298 970.

I Want A Greyhound (IWaG) Inc. is a greyhound registered rehoming, education and support charity. IWaG’s mission is to find forever pet homes for all greyhounds placed in its care.