GIVIT seeks donations of old devices

Published 9:00am 21 February 2023

GIVIT seeks donations of old devices
Words by Ashleigh Howarth

If you have any old smart phones, tablets, laptops for PCs laying around at home, the not-for-profit organisation GIVIT would love to take them off your hands.

GIVIT, an online donation platform, have partnered with the Queenslanders with a Disability Network to help Queenslanders living with a disability access digital technology equipment.

The partnership will match people living with a disability across parts of Queensland to donated computers, laptops, mobile devices and tablets, as well as items that meet individuals accessibility requirements.

They are also working with more than 40 organisations across Moreton Bay to facilitate the donation of digital devices.

GIVIT Queensland Engagement Officer Danielle Draper says the focus of the appeal is to ensure people living with a disability have access to digital devices for day-to-day needs such as Telehealth appointments, My Gov or Centrelink services, as well as staying connected with their support networks.

“We’re all aware of how much our daily lives are conducted digitally, but sadly many people living with a disability face barriers to accessing suitable devices,” Danielle says.

“Donations from this appeal will help people living with a disability access support services, manage their personal finances and banking, conduct online tuition and importantly stay connected with friends and family.”

“We’re encouraging anyone that has a digital device in good working order that they no longer need to donate it to this appeal.

“Items can also be funded with 100 per cent of donated funds received by GIVIT used to purchase requested items.”

Fiona Malcolm from Queenslanders with Disability Network says people living with a disability are often extremely vulnerable.

“People living with a disability may have reduced mobility or experience greater difficulty accessing health and social services,” Fiona says.

“Having a digital device is not a luxury - it’s now a critical tool we all require to conduct our lives.”

Visit to find out exactly what’s needed.


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