
Headspace opens at Strathpine

The team at Headspace Strathpine has hit the ground running since opening the doors on Monday and is keen to help young people as calls for help continue to rise.

Operations Manager Alex Woods says they haven’t yet promoted the service, but people have seen the signs go up and already made contact.

“We had a soft launch Monday morning at 9am and the first person walked through the door at 9.01am. We could see it was going to be a busy day,” Alex says.

“I think it will be a very high-demand service in the area.”

Strong need for service

Alex says her team has worked closely with consortium partners and community stakeholders to gather feedback and engage with the community.

“A range of people were saying there wasn’t a large number of services in the area and the services available are at capacity and there are long wait times,” she says.

“We anticipated it would be quite popular.”

The phones have been busy and they have received many referrals already.

“Headspace is a strong brand in the community. People feel comfortable coming here,” Alex says.

The Strathpine service will be handy for families and young people in the area who have had to travel to Caboolture, Redcliffe and Nundah previously.

Services on offer

The team is providing the following services: mental health, sexual health, alcohol and drug, and study and work, as well as support for young people affected by domestic and family violence, and those from the LGBTQI community. There will be GP services in the new year.

There’s a core team of nine staff at present, which Alex expects to grow quickly in the coming months.

The pressures of 2020 combined with a global pandemic have caused a spike in rates of distress and hospital presentations. The opening of this service is timely and welcomed.

“This area is no different to any other in that regard. I think it’s a great time to be here for young people in the area to provide this service,” Alex says.

She says school guidance officers are at capacity and with the Christmas break approaching, young people will need support.

How can young people connect with Headspace?

It’s up to the young person. They can self-refer by phone or email, someone can make a referral on their behalf, or they can devise a mental health care plan with their GP and be referred as part of that.

“Whatever suits the young person, they can do,” Alex says.

Big achievement

“We’re very excited. It’s been a really big year establishing a new centre, then going through the tender process, accreditation and completing the physical build,” Alex says.

“It’s the first time I’ve done that. For me, that’s really exciting to go from start to finish. It’s really nice to see it come to light.

“It’s been purpose-built with young people … our youth reference group. It’s very youth focused and designed to look and feel like a home.”

There’s VJ panelling inside, lamps and other touches to create a warm and non-clinical setting.

There are multiple waiting rooms, providing a private and safe place to wait.

“It’s quite a nice place to come and visit,” Alex says.

Headspace Strathpine is at 441 Gympie Rd, Strathpine.

Want to know more? Visit the website, phone 3465 3000 or email

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