
Join Moreton Bay Region Garage Sale Trail

Who doesn’t love a bargain or the chance to make some cash on items they don’t want anymore? The Moreton Bay Region Garage Sale Trail is the perfect way to do both – and it’s on this weekend

The event, on November 21 and 22, is sustainable shopping at its best.

Mayor Peter Flannery is encouraging people to get involved but is also emphasising the need to abide by social distancing and hygiene guidelines.

“Garage sales are a great way to give unused items around your house a second life and by reusing things we reduce the amount of goods going to landfill as waste, so this is a fantastic event,” Mayor Flannery says.

“We’ll put up a page on Council’s website listing the locations of people who register to participate in the event but I again want to remind people of the need to take personal responsibility for their hygiene during this pandemic.

“Selling stuff you no longer need at a Garage Sale Trail is a great way to do your bit for the environment and meet some of your neighbours at the same time, which is important in such an unusual year.

“Last year it was great to see families and even neighbours come together to host sales, some garage sales even raised funds for charities including one that helped build a school in Kenya.”

Sustainable shopping

For 2020, event organisers project that more than two million items will be listed for sale and diverted from landfill across over 16,000 garage sale events held over the Garage Sale Trail weekend both in person and online.

Garage Sale Trail Co-Founder Andrew Valder says this year Australians can take part in the Garage Sale Trail online, for the first time, as well as face to face.

“This online element will not only work to keep people safe during the pandemic but also assist sellers in finding the perfect match for their pre-loved items – no matter their location,” he says.

“For those hosting or shopping at physical sales, we’ll also provide guidelines to ensure COVID-19 restrictions and safety precautions are in place.

“Despite our focus rightly being shifted towards the pandemic, the issue of waste certainly hasn’t gone away. In fact, COVID-19 has clearly demonstrated our impact on the planet as well as proven that with a little teamwork, we can achieve great things”

Get involved

● Australia’s biggest community and sustainability event, Garage Sale Trail, is happening on Saturday, November 21 and Sunday, November 22 2020.

● Make money and save money by selling and shopping when the trail comes to your neighbourhood with a stack of COVID-19 safety measures in place, including virtual garage sales

● Registrations are free and open now for households, schools, community groups and anyone else who wants to join communities in their neighbourhood and or online for one gigantic weekend of money making, planet saving fun.

To host a sale or shop the trail, register for free at