
Lachlan pulls himself into the history books

A fitness fanatic from Woody Point has etched his name into the history books after smashing three world records for the most muscle ups within a 24-hour time frame.

Lachlan Fyfe broke the records for the most muscle ups in an eight-hour, 12-hour and 24-hour period on August 24, pumping out an astounding 1546 reps at Gold’s Gym in Kippa-Ring on August 24.

It was a dream come true for the 35-year-old support worker, who spent countless hours training and working out the math of how many reps were needed per hour.

“I was able to break all three records in just over 13 hours, which was as long as my body and hands would allow me to do,” Lachlan says.

“When I started looking into this record a few years ago, I found out the 24-hour record was less than the eight-hour and 12-hour record, which seemed strange to me at first.

“But when I was doing it and hit the 13-hour mark it all made sense because I realised nobody can make it any further than that because it’s so physically demanding, and you get the worst blisters on your hands.”

A muscle up is a pull-up directly followed by a dip, meaning you have to pull your whole body up and over the bar.

Throughout the course of the record attempt - which was also the day of his 35th birthday - Lachlan likened it to being on a rollercoaster. 

“I started off feeling nervous, but then I went through periods of feeling good, then really tired, then good again,” Lachlan explains.

“I kept telling my body “we can do this, it’s what we have trained for”, especially when I started to cramp up.”

Lachlan, who used to own a gym at Northgate, says he was tempted to go for the record last year.

“My gym specialised in exercises like muscle ups, so I had spent a good 12 years’ training,” Lachlan says.

“Unfortunately, we had to close the gym a little over a year ago, and I originally wanted to break the record on the day we closed as a way of saying thank you to our clients.

“But I realised I was flogging myself to get it done, and I also wasn’t enjoying the last few weeks that the gym was open.

“I decided to enjoy the last two weeks with everyone. We even did a special workout for the last day, which everyone enjoyed.

“I am glad I came to terms with that because it gave me an extra year to train for properly for the record.”

Lachlan then started training at Gold’s Gym, where he increased his reps.

“When I started training for the record, I was transitioning from two reps to three while also increasing the time of my workouts,” Lachlan says.

“The staff got so used to seeing me at the gym because I was doing two hours on a Monday, two-and- a-half hours on a Wednesday, and then four or more hours on a Friday."

Lachlan has submitted all the relevant paperwork to officials from the Guinness World Records and is waiting for a reply.

“The records are still pending because the officials need to approve my application, but once they do, it will be my name there,” Lachlan says.

“Not many gyms can say they have a world record certificate hanging up, so I can’t wait to give Gold's Gym a certificate as well."

Moreton Daily reached out to The Guinness World Record for a comment but did not receive a response before the deadline.

To see more photos, click through the gallery below. 

Photos supplied by Lachlan Fyfe. 

Previous records

The previous record for the most muscle ups in eight hours was 1370 and was achieved by Alejandro Soler Tarí (Spain) in Alicante, Spain, on September 29, 2023.

The previous record for the most bar muscle ups in 12 hours was 1515 and was achieved by Alejandro Soler Tarí (Spain) in Alicante, Spain, on September 29, 2023.

The previous record for the most bar muscle ups in 24 hours was 1300 and was achieved by Brandon Tucker (USA), in Columbus, Ohio, USA, on January 30, 2022.