What's On

Massive year of events

Events are making a return to the Moreton Bay Region in a move that is tipped to give the local economy a much-needed boost and bring smiles to the faces of locals and visitors.

Moreton Bay Region Industry and Tourism (MBRIT) has launched the 2021 events calendar, showcasing major events, which will be staged across the region. These include favourites such as Redcliffe KiteFest, Tastes of Moreton Bay, Moreton Bay Food and Wine Festival, Park Vibes, Jetty 2 Jetty, Caboolture Festival, Redcliffe Festival of Sails, Hills Carnivale, Moreton Kids Festival, local shows and Abbey Medieval Festival.

It all starts with Park Vibes on March 20 at Pine Rivers Park, which is quickly followed by Redcliffe Festival of Sails on Good Friday, April 2.

Moreton Bay Region Industry and Tourism Chairman Shane Newcombe says he is excited to see this year’s calendar, packed with events that will draw visitors to the region, boost the local economy and bring locals together.

“After a tough year during which many events were cancelled, due to COVID-19, we are thrilled to release our full calendar of events for 2021,” Mr Newcombe says.

“Our team has already been working closely with Queensland Health to deliver COVID-Safe events including Christmas carols, Australia Day and Lunar New Year. In many respects, we have set the benchmark.

“We have been one of the only local government areas around that hasn’t taken our foot off the pedal when it comes to delivering events and we look forward to delivering many more COVID-Safe events this year.”

All events, big and small

Mr Newcombe says his team also continues to support big and small events across the region in a bid to attract more visitors to the area and offer a diverse range of experiences for locals of all ages.

“We know events are a key economic driver, generating overnight stays, return visits and trade for a range of businesses across a range of sectors,” he says.

Redcliffe KiteFest will move from June to September this year, to capitalise on better weather conditions, which will hopefully generate more wind and allow kiteflyers to get the biggest and brightest kites up over Pelican Park. This year’s event will be held from September 11-12.

Both KiteFest and Moreton Bay Food and Wine Festival have attracted funding from Tourism and Events Queensland – recognition of their ability to draw visitors from across the state.

They have also been listed on the Queensland Events Calendar for 2021.

Fun brings added benefits

Mayor Peter Flannery says recovering from COVID-19 is about community, as well as the economy. “COVID restrictions made our region a favourite with day-trippers as people rediscovered the beauty in their own backyard,” he says.

“Events are added reason for tourists to come, stay, and spend in Moreton Bay, supporting local businesses.

“But most importantly they bring a sense of vibrancy, colour, and excitement to our CBD areas and parks - which we all deserve after the discipline we showed in containing COVID in 2020. So, start planning your year, if our events aren’t free we definitely try to keep them as cheap as possible.”

Find a printable version of the 2021 Moreton Bay Region Events Calendar here

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