Musicians hit all the right notes

Published 9:00am 8 September 2023

Musicians hit all the right notes
Words by Ashleigh Howarth

Music students from Redcliffe State High School have proved themselves to be amongst the top musicians in the state after coming away with two wins at the Queensland Youth Music Awards (QYMA).

The school sent 35 students from two ensembles to compete at QYMA, which is one of the state’s longest running music competitions and celebrates the participation of more than 4,000 young people.

Redcliffe’s String Orchestra, which consisted of students across all year levels, achieved a Gold Award and placed second overall in their division, while the Chamber Strings, which was the smallest of the two ensembles, received a Silver Award.

Brylee Taylor, who is the Head of the Creative Industries Department at Redcliffe SHS, said she was “extremely proud” of the students for their efforts.

“What makes this win even better is that we were the only state school in the competition,” Brylee said.

“We are so proud of our music program, and of our string students who are taught under our fantastic string tutor Emily Ashton.

“Emily also received a special mention from the adjudicator for her own original composition of A Well-Watered Garden which was performed with skill by students on the evening.

“Each of the ensemble’s practice one hour a week, with some students involved in multiple ensembles, so they do work extremely hard.”

The music program at Redcliffe SHS ensures students are nurtured by highly qualified and exceptional educators using state-of-the-art facilities within a school that has a strong tradition of excellence in the Creative Industries.

More than 120 students are involved in the Instrumental Music Program across various ensembles. The school also boasts a Music Excellence Program which helps students develop the skills and knowledge needed to become more experienced musicians.

Redcliffe SHS is currently taking applications for new year 7 enrolments, with the Music Excellence Program being a pathway for current primary school students to pursue their passion into high school.

To see more photos, click through the gallery below. 


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