
New video campaign targets vaping

A new video campaign is urging young people to think twice before vaping.

The brainchild of Moreton Bay police, the videos busting common myths associated with using electronic cigarettes were launched today at St Columban’s College at Caboolture.

They include information about the legislation affecting vaping, as well as health messages supported by Queensland Health and the Lung Foundation.

Moreton District Prevention Unit officer in charge Sergeant Sarah Grayson says it’s a common misconception that using a vape is better for health than smoking a cigarette.

“They contain toxic and harmful chemicals and can often contain nicotine, which is not listed on the packaging because you can’t import liquid nicotine into Australia,” she says.

“Many people don’t realise that under-18s are not allowed to have them – the same legislation applies to vapes as cigarettes.”

She’s delighted local schools are supporting the campaign, with several attending today’s launch.

“It’s obviously concerning for the schools, but they’re very passionate about wanting to support their students.”

Health implications

Morayfield MP and Minister for Police Mark Ryan and Redcliffe MP and Health Minister Yvette D’Ath joined Superintendent John Hallam to launch the awareness campaign, which educates school-aged children about the health implications of vaping.

Mr Ryan says the videos are an important tool to educate young people to make better decisions.

“These videos are designed to give young people additional information around not just the health impacts of vaping, but of the legal implications,’’ he says.

Ms D’Ath says young people need to be aware vaping could affect their lungs.

“Queensland Health warns that there are many known harms that arise from e-cigarettes and vaping and young people are among those at greatest risk of harm,’’ Ms D’Ath says.

“At this point in time, there is insufficient evidence to support claims that e-cigarettes are safe.’’

Empowering young people

Superintendent Hallam says police have an important role to play in addressing vaping among young people.

“As police, we have the responsibility of educating our community and enforcing Queensland’s laws, including laws that impact underage vaping,” Superintendent Hallam says.

“Over the past few months, stores selling vaping accessories in the Moreton Police District have been subject to a number of break and enter offences where vaping products have been stolen and sold to underage people.

“These videos have been created to empower young people to make better decisions, giving them critical thinking skills that will contribute to minimising a range of offending behaviours and improving their health.”

The videos will be available to all schools.

The awareness campaign follows last week’s launch by Queensland Health of Vape Truths featuring Dr Karl Kruszelnicki.