
Photo gallery: Abbey Medieval Festival 2023

Big crowds engaged with re-enactors, workshops, cheered at the jousting and were keen to learn about Medieval history at the Abbey Medieval Festival on July 8 and 9 at Caboolture.

Abbey Museum of Art and Archaeology CEO and Abbey Medieval Festival Director Edith Cuffe says it was great weekend with perfect weather and plenty to keep visitors entertained.

“I think it was an absolutely fabulous weekend. We’ve had very positive feedback from the crowds,” Edith says.

About 24,000 people attended the sold-out event across the two days (July 8 and 9), including re-enactors and stallholders.

Edith says there were many highlights, with perfect weather adding to the experience.

“There’s so many things … the whole atmosphere … that’s one of the things that people talk about is the atmosphere of the festival,” she says.

“Standing at the exit as people were leaving, they were saying it was a fabulous day and fabulous weekend.

“I love the enjoyment people get from coming and experiencing what we have to offer.”

The team of volunteers and re-enactors are still onsite today packing up but already talking about next year’s event.

“We could not have asked for a better experience all round,” Edith says.

Check out the photo gallery (click through)

Photos courtesy of Abbey Medieval Festival