
Pitching routes for new highway

Residents are already suggesting routes, ring roads and tunnel options for a new four-lane highway from Narangba to Bald Hills.

Early planning for Stage 3 of the Bruce Highway Western Alternative (BHWA) started last year and will include a formal public consultation period.

But public feedback can be posted now on the project page within the Transport and Main Roads (TMR) website. Click here.

TMR says sections of the Stage 3 study area are “highly developed, with environmental, flooding and other planning constraints”.

“As a result of the highly constrained study area the number of viable alignment options will be limited for Stage 3.”

However, there are still calls for different route options, more rail services, links to a broader Brisbane network .... and protect the environment.

Jojo11 posted on the TMR page: “Consider building a tunnel through the highly-populated suburb of Petrie rather than take people’s homes, if you can’t go west of the lake.”

The spotlight is now on the route for Stage 3 of the Bruce Highway Western Alternative.

RyMort wants planners to “connect North Pine River to Kremzow Rd, South Pine Rd and Linkfield Rd. Give options to Old North and Bridgeman (Rds).”

Acsss called for the BHWA to join the Bruce Highway “through northern Dakabin, close to Boundry Rd. The northside tunnel and Gateway Motorway Bruce Highway Upgrade (GMBHU) projects will alleviate the GM (Gateway).”

But Bigalstrathpine warned: “Do not join to gateway. This is supposed to be an alternative congestion buster for west traffic, not a bottleneck to same old routes.

“One connection to Young’s Crossing and one down through Petrie and the back of Strathpine, Bald Hills flats to Carseldine Rd”.

GeeDub wants the new road to go from “Narangba Rd to Dohles Rocks Rd, then 'loop-over' the top of The Mill to Bald Hills”

Scottie001 says: “When passing through Petrie and Kallangur, put it into a tunnel to reduce property impacts, like in northern NSW for the St Helena Tunnel.”

Adding: “Construct a monorail line down middle of the highway from Dakabin. Takes less space and would be cheaper to construct than heavy rail.”

The Bruce Highway Western Alternative will, when complete, be 50kms long.

Minimal says a “bridge over North Pine (River) into the four-lane road through Joyner must be high priority option onto Old Northern Rd, leading to Toowong.”

Lucasy calls for a “fast train between Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast. More highways don’t work due to induced demand.”

Weinertjh believes Direct Sunshine Coast (DSC) rail and increased frequency is the answer, adding "weekend traffic is caused by an unusable rail service”.

Robert Wood says : "Create a true western ring road connecting the Bruce to Ipswich instead of funnelling all traffic into an already congested Gateway”.

Meanwhile, Fonzi99 says: “Please do not destroy trees and habitat on the broad scale seen on Eatons Crossing Rd.”

The routes of Stage 1 (Moodlu to Moorina) and Stage 2 (Moorina to Narangba) have already been planned and gazetted. Stage 4 (Beerburrum to Moodlu) is in the planning and public consultation stage.