
Priority upgrades closer for major road

Project milestones have been reached for the next two priority sections of the Caboolture-Bribie Island Rd upgrade.

Designs are complete on the section from Old Toorbul Point Rd to Saint Rd at Ningi, which will be a four-land dual carriageway.

Key features will be new traffic signals at the Volz Rd and Browns Rd intersection will improve safety by controlling turning.

Design modifications at the Saint Rd and McGrath Rd intersections will also improve safety at Ningi.

The Australian and Queensland Governments have committed $48.230 million to the upgrade – Federal $28.915 million, State $19.315 million.

Plans for four-lanes from Hickey Rd to King Johns Creek have also been finalised, with a centre median and signals at Hickey Rd.

A total of $59million – State Government $49m, Federal Government $10 million – has been committed to this upgrade.

Design layouts for both are now available for key stakeholders and the community.

The program of works will ultimately see the entire road upgraded to four lanes to improve safety, connectivity and traffic flow.

Transport and Main Roads Minister (TMR) Bart Mellish said: “Road safety is our priority”.

“The Old Toorbul Point Rd to Saint Rd and Hickey Rd to King Johns Creek upgrades once delivered, will improve traffic flow by providing additional lanes and wider road shoulders," he said.

State Member for Pumicestone Ali King said: “Our communities deserve safe, less congested roads, so these upgrades are essential.”

Federal Assistant Minister for Regional Development Senator Anthony Chisholm added: “With over 26,000 motorists Caboolture-Bribie Island Road daily, investment in these improvements is essential and will benefit all road users.”

TMR will start the construction tender process in the coming months. Construction timeframes will be provided closer to the start of works.