
"Probably take a week or two"

Picture: Guy Schweitzer has a welcome home beer at Scarborough Harbour Brewing, which he founded with wife Sonia.

Guy Schweitzer admitted today the enormity of his epic 4900km coast-to-coast run across the Australian continent has not sunk in yet.

The 48-year-old was on his feet again this morning, but this time walking through Fortitude Valley savouring his first family outing in months.

It was a far cry from the crowds, photographers and TV cameras at Scarborough Harbour Brewing yesterday as he finished an “adventure” which started in Port Hedland 78 days earlier.

And even further from the bitumen, red dirt, desert tracks and isolation of Australia’s great interior which had been ‘home’ for weeks on end.

“I’ve not really processed it yet,” Guy said. “I know it was pretty big. It will probably sink in over the next week or two.”

Guy running through WA while recording a video message

He averaged more than 60kms (about one and a half marathons) a day for two-and-a-half months with few rest days.

“I have wondered how did I survive that?” Guy said today. “I thought I would get more injuries, blisters, lose toenails.

“All I had was a urinary tract issue in the second week and ankle injury in the third week.

“It felt like I couldn’t break my body.”

Guy said 99.9 per cent of the people he met on the way were fantastic, but there were some concerns, notably when alone in remote areas.

Loneliness of the long-distance runner

As a rule, he always camped well hidden from roads and tracks.

However, on one occasion, early in the run, he broke the rule, stopping just 20m off a road. A car first went past – and then returned.

“They asked what I was doing and what I had,” Guy said, “asking different things, not the usual questions.”

The director of MGN Civil turned the conversation by approaching and asking what the occupants of the car were doing – they soon left.

However, the nothing beat the beauty of Australia’s outback, which was reflected daily in Guy’s social media posts on Facebook and Instagram.

“I loved the silence and beauty of the Gibson Desert in WA. It was vast and I saw it at a great time,” he said.

Guy stops for a chat with fellow travellers in the outback

“Cluny Station, (south east of Bedourie, Qld) beyond the edge of the Simpson Desert was beautiful, especially when two big red dunes bookended a paddock of cattle.

“And the Lockyer Valley. I’d never been there. We came off the range near Toowoomba and there it was, the beauty of crops and cattle.”

Guy has no plans to surpass the last three months but says he will “run again” with an event in Melbourne one possibility.

“I’ve had three months leave from my family to do this,” he said, “now it’s time to spend time with them.”

Relive the journey on Guy’s Home Run Facebook and Instagram pages through his pictures, videos and video messages.