
Proving ‘numbers are sexy’

BPW Caboolture has given business owners in the Moreton Bay Region a helping hand with their financials at a free workshop in The Hub.

Business and Professional Women (BPW) Caboolture hosted Numbers are Sexy on November 16, for start-up, new and small business owners/managers.


Run by Jo-Anne Chaplin, of Tax and Superannuation Professionals on Bribie Island, the workshop covered profitability of goods and services, inventories, record keeping, tax and cashflow saving strategies.

Co-presenter Linda Upton, of Richardson & Wrench Caboolture, discussed steps involved in investing in property as personal homes and an investment.

The range of industries represented included retailers, marketer, health professional, business coach and an administrator from a local not-for-profit group.

Questions were asked and matters discussed for future presentation topics.


The workshop was sponsored by Moreton Bay Region Industry & Tourism (MBRIT) ensuring it was offered free to all businesses. Caboolture Hub supplied a COVID-safe setting and catering.

BPW Caboolture, with sponsorship from MBRIT, is planning more free workshops.

Visit or email for details of future workshops.

BPW Caboolture holds breakfast meetings on the first Friday each month, except January, at 6.30am for a 7am start at Caboolture Central Sports Club, Hasking St, Caboolture.

There’s more news here