
QCWA ladies ready to celebrate centenary in style

Preparations are underway for a formal ball to be held in Moreton Bay later this year to celebrate the centenary of the Queensland Country Women’s Association (QCWA).

The formal event is being planned by members of the QCWA Pine Rivers Branch and will be held at the Show Hall at the Pine Rivers Showgrounds on September 24.

The ladies started planning for this year’s festivities in June 2021, with President Jill McLeod determined to mark this important milestone in style.

““It’s not every day you get to be part of a 100th anniversary celebration. It’s a big milestone for any organisation to celebrate,” she said.

“We have planned a ball where people can get dressed up for the evening.

“It’s going to be a traditional ball in the fact that we will have a music duo for people to dance along to, and we will be serving a traditional supper that was served at balls and dances in the old time - like cakes, sandwiches and things like that.

“We are going to encourage tables of people so you can come along with your group of friends and enjoy the evening.

“There won’t just be dancing – there will also be lucky door prizes, raffles - and we would also like to organise a guest speaker who will talk briefly about the celebration we are celebrating.”

Tickets will be $50 a head and available from the branch from July 1.

You can contact the group by phoning QCWA Pine Rivers secretary Anna Mead on 0402 227 631.

History of the QCWA

The Queensland Country Women’s Association was formed on August 11, 1922, with a lady by the name of Ruth Fairfax being appointed as the founding President.

Since 1922, the QCWA has been about women from all over Queensland coming together for many different reasons, whether it is about meeting new people, making new friends, learning new skills or getting involved in the community.

Today, there are more than 220 branches across the state.

Join the QCWA Pine Rivers Branch

The QCWA Pine Rivers Branch was established on June 29, 1938, in what was then known as the Pine Rivers Shire.

Unfortunately, the information relating to the early days of the QCWA Pine Rivers Branch is very limited or non-existent, meaning the group are unable to ascertain where meetings were held and don’t know the details of the founding members.

In June 1962, the Pine Rivers Branch moved into the new QCWA Hall which was built on Anzac Avenue at Petrie. The building cost around 800 Pound ($1600).

The branch members celebrated on opening day with a fete and the 85 pounds that was raised on the day went towards purchasing a piano.

By 1996, members had paid off the debt associated with the hall.

Members of the club enjoy handcraft and cookery competitions, raising money for important charities, and taking part in leisurely group activities like fashion parades, cent auctions, morning teas and more.

The group currently has 35 members but would love for more people in the community to come and join them.

You can contact the QCWA Pine Rivers by phoning Anna on 0402 227 631, or send an email to

The group also have an active Facebook page.