
Redcliffe Visitor Information Centre named best in state for second year

The Redcliffe Jetty Visitor Information Centre has been named Queensland’s Visitor Information Centre of the Year in the Local Government category for the second year running.

The announcement was made at the recent Queensland Information Centre Association (QICA) awards night in Noosa.

The awards are part of the annual QICA conference attended by visitor centre staff and managers from across the state to learn and hear from industry experts.

QICA President Vanida Petts said the award recognised the outstanding work done by the visitor information centre’s friendly and helpful volunteers, who work tirelessly to promote the region to locals and visitors.

“Winning this award is recognition and a big pat on the back that should boost staff and volunteer morale to motivate the team to continue and develop its customer service, set industry benchmarks and best practices,” Vanida said.

“Well done Redcliffe Jetty Visitor information Centre, having won last year and following up with the win again this year.

“The future certainly looks bright as we celebrate one of our industry leaders in tourism.”

Dedicated volunteers honoured 

The centre is one of the flagship centres in the region and the 40 volunteers that are there every day ensure the visitors to the region have the very best experience while here.

Moreton Bay Region Industry and Tourism (MBRIT) manage the visitor centres.

MBRIT CEO Shane Newcombe was elated with the win stating “the passion and dedication of the volunteers was key to its success”.

“The award is one for all of the volunteers and visitor centres in the region as they all play an important part in the promotion of our local tourism offering,” Shane said.

“The volunteers were very excited to know their hard work is noticed and appreciated by not only management and the industry but also the visitors as they constantly receive great feedback for their helpfulness.

“And being right at the entrance to the Redcliffe Jetty, they have one of the best views in the region.”

“The centre is accessible to all, and stocks maps and guides for not only the Moreton Bay Region but also our near neighbours.”

To find out the locations of the region visitor centres go to