
Rookie to world ranking in three years

Yvette Boyama’s taekwondo career has soared from rookie to her first world ranking points in just over three years.

The 16-year-old member of PK Taekwondo at North Lakes won the points at the World Junior Championships in Bulgaria.

Boyama represented Papua New Guinea in the 42kg division and though losing in the Round of 32 to a Greek opponent, won her first world ranking points.

It’s a remarkable achievement for the teenager who admits she “never intended to go even remotely as far as I have”.

From left: Pauline Boyama, Yvette Boyama and Kangho Park at the world titles in Sofia.

Boyama said she started taekwondo in May 2019 for fitness and to be able to defend herself, but that changed when the taekwondo master registered her for competitions.

“I started to fall in love with the sport and realised it meant the world to me to be part of, not just a team, but a taekwondo family,” she said.

Boyama has competed at local, state, national and international levels, winning state titles in successive years and being the 2021 national champion for her age and weight.

She also has an array of gold, silver and bronze medals for both Kyorugi (Sparring) and Poomsae (Forms).

Kangho Park and Yvette Boyama at the world titles.

Boyama’s long-term aim is to “represent my country in the Olympics one day and hopefully inspire young girls and boys” showing it is never too late to start.

“This is just the beginning,” the member of PK Taekwondo said.

Kangho Park, head instructor at PK Taekwondo was the PNG coach in Sofia and Pauline Boyama, Yvette’s mother, the team manager.

Pauline Boyama has recently gained her international coaching certification Level 1.