
Safe room opens at Petrie Police Station

A newly created victim statement room is now operational at Petrie Police Station. The room provides a safe place for domestic and sexual abuse victims, as well as other vulnerable people, to speak with police and provide statements.

The Zonta Club of Pine Rivers worked with the station’s Officer-in-Charge to furnish the newly designated space.

Club President Bronwyn Evans says her members raised money to buy furniture, including a sofa and coffee table, to make the room more comfortable for those using it.

“We also provided soft furnishings to bring warmth to the room and make the experience less intimidating,” Bronwyn explains.

“We have also purchased toys and books for any children who accompany the person using the room.”

Police station ‘safe rooms’ were one of the recommendations of the Independent Commission of Inquiry into Queensland Police Service responses to domestic and family Violence.

Senior Constable Keith Morris from the QPS Moreton District Vulnerable Persons Unit inspected the room at Petrie Police Station during an informal earlier this month.

“The Zonta Club of Pine Rivers has created a room which feels comfortable and secure, using calming colours and furnishings,” he says.

“Attending a police station to report serious offences can be an uncomfortable experience and this space will be excellent to assist police when speaking with victims of domestic violence and other traumatic offences.

“The creation of this room supports police acting in a trauma-informed way to get the best possible outcomes for victims.”

Zonta Clubs throughout Queensland are working with local police stations to furnish and equip the safe rooms that have been designated.

It is part of Zonta District 22’s ‘Soft Rooms’ project.

“Zonta International’s mission is to build a better world for women and girls. It envisions a world in which no woman lives in fear of violence,” Bronwyn says.

“We hope this project helps local victims know there is a safe place available to report, and escape, violence.”

DV Caseworker Lizzy, OIC Petrie Police Station Senior Sergeant Martin Lampe, Zonta Pine Rivers Vice President Terry Campbell, Zonta Pine Rivers President Bronwyn Evans, CADA (Centre Against Domestic Abuse) representative Sue and SC Keith Morris at the recent opening of the safe room.