
'Santa' Ken made life member

‘Emergency Santa’ Ken Wilkinson has been made a life member of Mango Hill Progress Association (MHPA).

Mr Wilkinson, who moved to the Village in 2007, first pulled on the red robes in 2010 to help out at the Mango Hill Christmas Carols.

It needed a quick dash next door to dress - avoiding his own children - before appearing on Santa’s Sleigh at Danzy Buchanan Park.

Despite moving out of Mango Hill Village, Mr Wilkinson still returns for progress association meetings and his special Christmas role.

Delight and joy

MHPA President Laurence Christie said he “continues to bring great delight and joy to many hundreds of children in his role as Mango Hill’s very own Santa”.

The award was presented by Deputy Mayor and Councillor Jodie Shipway (Div 4) at MHPA's recent Annual Meeting.

State Member for Bancroft Chris Whiting told the AGM that Hutchinson Builders had been awarded the contract to build North Lakes' new fire station.

Ken Wilkinson beside the Mango Hill Progress Association Life Member board.

Mr Whiting said he did not know when the site would be handed over to Hutchinson but once it happened the timeline for construction would become clearer.

The state member also said the replacement sign showing the Bruce Highway exit for Mango Hill had been ordered, but warned it would be months before it was installed.

Cr Jodie Shipway also told the meeting the search for solutions for drainage issues around Danzy Buchanan Park continue, but there were many issues to work through.


Laurence Christie was returned as President of Mango Hill Progress Association, as were Senior Vice-President Guy Kelly and Junior Vice-President Helen Wright.

Mark Kelly was returned as Secretary and Debbie Garth as Treasurer, having succeeded Lyn Kubler late last year.

Keith King replaced Debbie Garth on the four-person committee, joining returning members Ken Hatchman, Paul Buchanan and Dave Norman.