Show for philanthropic stars

Published 5:00am 15 June 2023

Show for philanthropic stars
Words by Kylie Knight

Adventure All Stars is a reality TV show that doesn’t follow the usual formula of drama and bad behaviour, instead rewarding philanthropists for making a difference in their communities.

Moreton Bay Region’s Kelly Gurski has been part of the action, raising more than $40,000 for charity in the process.

Kelly first appeared in an episode of the program, filmed on the Fraser Coast in February, after raising more than $25,000 for the DV charity RizeUp.

Being selected for the show was reward for her efforts and after raising an additional $7000 for the charity, she was subsequently invited to travel to Vanuatu to appear on the Adventure All Stars Legends show.

It will air in 25 countries to an audience of about 100 million towards the end of this year.

The show aims to reward those giving back to their communities while showcase breathtaking locations.

For a week in late April, early May, the cast of 12 philanthropists from across Australia were given the chance to experience the best of Vanuatu.

The cast enjoyed jungle ziplining, cultural village experiences, a marine sanctuary, off-road adventures, a volcano walk and tropical water holes.

“We got to do every tourist thing that Vanuatu Tourism had organised for us. We went to an island and walked up a dormant volcano. That was wonderful,” Kelly recalls.

“For as far as the eye can see, was the magnificent blue of the ocean. It was beautiful.”

Some experiences were more challenging than others.

|“On the first day, we did ziplining. I have a fear of heights … it was 300m long and I did 46km/h. I was screaming with my eyes closed. It was awful, hard and beautiful all in one,” Kelly explains.|

When it came to walking across a suspension bridge over a ravine, she knew she had reached her limit. She had to turn around and walk back.

“I held it together for the other things but that was it,” she says.

Kelly says there had been a series of natural disasters before their visit and it was decided the cast and crew would do something to help a remote school.

They went to one on the last day, bringing school supplies with them.

“These kids were so appreciative and they sang a beautiful song for us,” she says.

Show for philanthropic stars

Serving the community

Kelly has been a police officer for the past 30 years and worked in domestic violence prevention for 14 years during that time.

Through the course of her work, she came into contact with RizeUp and she has raised about $100,000 for the charity during the past 10 years.

The organisation helps people escaping domestic violence by setting up a new home before they move in.

“Each one costs about $5000, so I know every $5000 I raise helps someone,” Kelly explains.

“It gives people a sense of community and belonging and knowing they’re worth it.”

Lasting impact

“I think the show is trying to inspire people to be more philanthropic for charity and they make the trip a reward for fundraising efforts,” Kelly explains.

“It’s a feel-good idea.”

So, what’s next for Kelly?

She has volunteered to be the co-ordinator for the next RizeUp team for Adventure All Stars and she is aiming to be personally involved in another series.

“Hanging out with all those philanthropic people … you get all these good ideas and they inspire you to do more. It’s nice to hang out with non-negative people,” Kelly says.

Her fundraising will begin next year.

Adventure All Stars Legends in Vanuatu will be screened later this year on 7PLUS, Fetch and Samsung TV Plus.

Forty-five episodes have now been produced and the amount raised for charity since its inception is almost $10 million.

Show for philanthropic stars


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