
Singing seniors prepare for concert

Performers from U3A Redcliffe’s singing and music groups have been busy rehearsing for their upcoming performance, which will be held during Seniors Month.

The concert will be held on Saturday, October 8 at 10am in Redcliffe.

Greg McGrath, who is a member of the Singing with Gusto group, is hoping for a big turnout on the day.

“The theme of this concert is the 50s, 60s and 70s, so there will be music and dance from that great era,” Greg said.

“I think we will have about 16 acts in total. There will be a guitar medley, ukuleles, banjos, our group, Singing with Gusto, and the choir.

“Our group will be singing a Sound of Music medley, and there will be a special tribute to Olivia Newton-John, as well as a few solos from people that are brave enough to get up their and sing on their own.

“This concert will be an opportunity for people who are doing classes and learning new things to go out and put to good use what they have learnt so far.

“It also gives them an opportunity see how far they have come.

“So come on down, have some fun, have a laugh and sing along with your friends, and maybe you might wish you were up there having a go.”


The Seniors Concert will be held on Saturday, October 8 at 10am in the Senior Citizens Hall, 401 Oxley Ave, Redcliffe.

Tickets are $12 per person and includes a light lunch.

Tickets are available at the U3A reception between 8.30am-3.30pm, Monday to Friday.

The office will be closed during the school holidays, so tickets will need to be purchased either this week or after October 5.

U3A is located inside the Moreton Bay Regional Council administration building at 1 Irene St, Redcliffe.

For more information, phone 3284 2687.

Join the fun

U3A (which stands for University of Third Age) is a worldwide self-help organisation promoting learning for personal enjoyment and wellbeing.

Here on the Peninsula, U3A Redcliffe Inc is the largest over 50s organisation for those who have retired or are semi-retired.

Greg joined U3A just over a year ago and hasn’t looked back.

“I first joined the U3A choir but found it was a little too formal for me, and that’s when I joined Singing with Gusto,” Greg said.

“You don’t have to worry about singing in key or knowing all the right words – it’s just about fun and enjoyment.

In addition, Greg also teaches a course on investment, which he has a background in.

Greg said with more than 100 classes held each week, there is something for everyone.

“There are classes like art, craft, music, singing, discussion groups, language courses, card games, Suduko, meditation, exercise groups, and even an indoor lawn bowls group on a Friday which is really popular – they always get a good roll up for that.”

Visit the U3A Redcliffe website for more information: