
State housing summit a step in the right direction

Government, industry and other stakeholders working together hold the key to finding a solution to the national housing crisis, according to Moreton Bay Regional Council Mayor Peter Flannery.

Mayor Flannery welcomed the State Government’s announcement yesterday that it would host a Queensland Housing Summit to address housing supply shortages.

“Housing affordability could be the greatest challenge of our time and it’s not just a Moreton Bay or a Queensland issue, this is a national crisis,” Mayor Flannery says.

“I applaud the Palaszczuk Government for looking to take this challenge head-on, because a solution will require government and industry to all be rowing in the same direction.

Crucial infrastructure

“Under the ShapingSEQ plan Moreton Bay is required to provide at least 88,300 new homes by 2041.”

Mayor Flannery says current trajectories show the region has sufficient land capacity to accommodate growth through to 2051.

“But what we really need in Moreton Bay is increased and significant investment in transport infrastructure to retain our region’s liveability.

|“In particular I want to see a focus on affordable and social housing that’s supported by good public transport links, especially connections to the rail network,” he says.|

“Councils can approve subdivisions and developments but we need to see housing delivered on the ground. We need a housing-first approach.

“So I’m hoping this summit will be solutions-focused.”

Working together

Mayor Flannery says industry and government need to work together to overcome hurdles including supply chain issues and workforce shortages.

“Council is already thinking about we can do that’s ‘outside the box’ to help play our part.

“Here in Moreton Bay, Community Housing providers can access discounts for their fees and charges and since writing to them last month I’ve already met with two and have four more meetings scheduled.

“I think we could make more headway if we also looked to work with the State Government to utilise their idle land holdings.

“There may be Council property adjacent to underutilised State land and if combined we could work to maximise the land and its best use.”

Issues nationally

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk yesterday announced the Queensland Housing Summit will be held in October.

“Nothing is more important than having a roof over your head - it’s a basic need – and the stories of people without secure housing are heartbreaking,” Ms Palaszczuk says.

|“Affordable housing is critical to maintaining our great Queensland lifestyle.|

“Many of the causes of the increased housing costs are national and need national solutions.

“All levels of government have a role to play in improving the current housing situation.”

Housing challenge

Deputy Premier Steven Miles says a way forward, in partnership with those who have responsibility for housing, is urgently needed.

“The Property Council of Australia’s report showed that Queensland’s population grew by almost 750,000 between 2011 and 2021, with close to 90 percent in south-east Queensland,” he says.

|“A compounding set of circumstances including massive population growth, supply chain and workforce restraints and multiple weather events have created a housing challenge.”|

The Local Government Association of Queensland will represent Queensland Councils at the October summit along with the Council of Mayors (SEQ) and non-government stakeholders including QShelter, QCOSS, the REIQ, Property Council of Australia, Master Builders and the Planning Institute of Australia.