Try 'chess on a football field'

Published 12:00pm 4 May 2021

Try 'chess on a football field'
Words by Nick Crockford

Moreton Bay Raptors are inviting the region to come-and-try gridiron football at their Deception Bay headquarters.

A series of six free sessions are under way for a sport which club president Jason Geraghty likened to 'chess on a football field'.

That’s the description used by president Jason Geraghty as the first of six free come-and-try sessions got under way.

“Gridiron is a sport for everyone,” he said, “we cannot all be great athletes, but there is a place for all players, regardless of size.

“The level of competition is increasing. It is a thinking player’s game - chess on a football field.”

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Emerging talent

Raptors are back in training for the 2021 season, which starts in August, hoping to see player numbers increase again and more talent emerge.

The club already has players who have represented Queensland, Australia and been invited to play in the US.

Raptors will field teams in Youth (ages 10-13), Junior (ages 14-17), Men (18 and over) and Women (18 and over) in Gridiron Queensland competitions.

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Rising numbers

The club, based at Maine Tce, Deception Bay, is hoping players numbers will match last season, which were tracking towards 200 when COVID struck.

“Last year was bad for everyone, but we got through it,” said Geraghty, whose son and nephews play, while his brother is treasurer and a coach.

“Our juniors were competitive and will be again this year.”

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Football and discipline

Geraghty said Raptors taught “football and discipline”.

“We have players who have been at the club five or six year and we are producing a lot of good athletes.

“We have also spent a lot of time getting good (playing) gear, creating a good facility and revamping the clubhouse.

“Moreton Bay Regional Council has been extraordinary in its help and support.”

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Playing kit

Raptors can provide most of the playing kit needed (helmet, pads etc) which collectively comes to around $500.

Juniors, for example, pay $475 registration for the season, which includes playing gear and a shirt, which they keep at the end of the year.

Raptors, who have national and state level coaches, have also “pooled resources” to help the Sunshine Coast Spartans, a move which will continue this season.

For more information visit Raptor's website or Raptors' Facebook page

There's more news here


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