
Join in Spirit of Giving feast

A new type of fundraiser is being launched by The Mini Farm Project at Samford - one which creates meals at the same time, to feed those in need.

In the Spirit of Giving will be a two-hour meal event on November 30 at five venues (three in this region) creating at least two hot meals, per ticket sold, for those in need.

The hosts will be Annie Lane (Bribie Island), Caboolture Sports Club, Redcliffe Leagues Club, Aspley Hornets and Extraction Artisan Coffee (Slacks Creek).

Meals on Wheels will also have a hall behind their venue at 23 Hayes St, Caboolture, serving food to the homeless on the night.

“To take the Spirit of Giving one step further, we are not hosting it in one venue but have ‘Ubered’ out our event to restaurants, cafes, clubs and venues to host on our behalf,” Nick Steiner, the Mini Farm Project CEO and founder, said.

“I wanted to support hospitality business as they have suffered so much in the last couple of years.

“There are five venues on board this year from Moreton Bay to Logan and next year they plan to have more creating meals to feed people in one night and raise awareness of the need in Australia and of charity farms developing around South-East Queensland.

“We are stripping down the event and its costs to create at least two meals per ticket sold and hope to be able to create more than 500 meals for charity on the day.

Mini Farm Project founder and CEO Nick Steiner, left, who is appealing for online supporters.

“This is a great event to join with family and friends over a humble main meal to eat for others and create meals for people in need.”

The Mini Farm Project is a charity working to eradicate hunger by creating a network of charity farms to grow food for people in need all year round.

Food is given free to local charities around each farm.

“Our job is to grow food on a local level and work with our charity partners to give them free food every week to create nutritious meals” said Mr Steiner.

“There is not enough food in the system and charities are struggling with food costs.”

Last year there were 1.2 million children that went hungry and 1 in 6 Australian Adults went hungry also.

If you are looking for a great way to spend time with friends and family and really make a difference by creating meals for people in need then order your tickets directly through

For Caboolture Sports Club book direct with the venue.