
Volunteers to host World Mental Health Day workshop

Soroptimist International Moreton North Inc (SIMNI) is honouring World Mental Health Day with an interactive mental health workshop and morning tea for frontline and support workers.

The workshop and morning tea will be held on Tuesday, October 10 – the actual day of World Mental Health Day – from 9am-noon at North Lakes Hotel.

Organiser and SIMNI Secretary Marney Perna says the aim of the event is to highlight and educate the community on mental health challenges and solutions.

“The workshop offers an opportunity to learn simple skills that can be used at home and work for self and family,” Marney says.

“There will be an experienced panel of three professional facilitators, who will share their knowledge and expertise around supporting those with mental health issues.

“Participants can expect to discover easy and simple stress management tips and techniques, how to use positive affirmations, the importance of sleep hygiene, the benefits of mindfulness and meditation and personal goal setting. Plus, enjoy good company, a yummy morning tea and leave with a gift bag of resources and goodies.”

SIMNI is giving the Moreton Bay community the opportunity to find ways to cope better with life struggles.

“The workshop will maximise community awareness of mental health and wellbeing, promote education and understanding of mental illness and foster inclusion of those living with mental illness, including families and carers,” Marney says.

“Support workers are the frontline people helping those with mental and DV challenges cope better with life… Giving these workers time out and teaching them important self-help and self-care techniques allows them to recharge their batteries, regain some perspective and feel inspired to continue.”

Tickets are available here.

Tickets are $35 per person.

North Lakes Hotel is at 22 Lakefield Dr, North Lakes.