What's in the stars for Winter

Published 9:00am 31 May 2024

What's in the stars for Winter
Words by Patsy Bennett

Renowned psychic medium and astrologer Patsy Bennett shares her complete guide to horoscopes for Winter.


This winter will draw you into a fresh environment, yet you may also find that you are busy reconnecting with the past or at least with an old haunt. The new moon on June 6 will motivate you to try exciting ideas regarding travel, relationships and finances. Just be sure to be realistic and avoid extravagance, as Jupiter in your money box will encourage you to spend big! Keep an eye on developments mid-July as these will provide insight into your true financial options.


This winter is an excellent time to improve your finances. You’ll be drawn to make money, but also to spend more than usual. Be sure to look at your expenses and investments carefully, otherwise this phase will be the start of a debt cycle. If, on the other hand, you focus on building wealth, this will be the start of an abundant phase. The good news is that the two full moons in Capricorn; on June 22 and July 21, will help you to gain stability in your home and personal life.


An exciting opportunity early in June promises to broaden your horizons. The new moon on June 6 will put money, your favourite activities and romance centre-stage for much of winter. As long as you maintain perspective, you’ll enjoy this phase, but you must avoid overspending. The entry of Jupiter in your sign will create a need for adventure - anything from travel to sports to spiritual development will appeal. A nostalgic phase or return to the past will begin.


As you are able to pick up undercurrents both in social situations and in your current circumstances, you’ll already be aware that changes are afoot, altering both your status and direction, and also potentially your daily routine and relationships. Luckily, Jupiter will help revitalise your work and health throughout winter, so be sure to be proactive: look for ventures and activities you enjoy, at home and at work, as you’re likely to enjoy success as a result.


June brings opportunities to move forward with treasured projects and ventures and to enjoy more fun while also improving your home life. Be careful with some communications to avoid either giving – or taking – offence, especially in June. In July, a fated meeting or pleasant get-together will restore your faith in mankind. Some of the intensity in your relationships will lessen, especially if things have been dramatic of late, and you will enjoy socialising.


Aim to put effort into your favourite activities, and you’ll see your projects take off this winter. You’ll be drawn to investigate new avenues, be these at work or at play. Travel, visiting new places, study and even the chance to explore your own unique abilities will appeal. Saturn retrograde from the end of June will slow things down a little for you, so be sure to put planning into gear beforehand, especially within your work and your business and personal relationships.


The winter months will be ideal for developing deeper empathy with someone close such as a family member and a personal or business partner, especially as the areas you share may be demanding. So be sure to focus on good relationship skills. It’s also a productive season to focus on your own nurturing and well-being. Take time out when you can. The good news is that Saturn, Pluto and Neptune will help you to invest more in creating a solid and happy schedule.


In your own time, this winter will be excellent for reviewing your existing commitments to ensure you are all clear about arrangements before you move ahead. Your work-home balance will require some focus, as you will otherwise risk making waves for those who depend on you in either field. If you do not manage to put fresh agreements in place in June, you’ll need to in July or August. You’ll feel sociable but must focus on the people you cherish as you may be easily distracted.


Your playfulness and desire to have fun in life will peak this winter. You’ll enjoy a more light-hearted approach in your close relationships, both at work and at play, so be proactive, collaborate and have fun! Developments around June 6 will be especially conducive to turning corners in your relationships. If you’re single, you may meet someone fun at this time, so be sure to socialise. You’ll also be drawn to update or remodel your home or to return to an old haunt.


It’s time to plan fresh schedules or even a holiday, and the two full moons in your sign (on June 22 and July 21 respectively) will certainly help you do so. You’re going through a phase where re-inventing yourself will be appealing and, if you’re not sure how to do this, events this winter will provide a clear focus. Jupiter will remind you how important it is to be happy with your daily work and health routines, prompting the need to reorganise your timetable to suit you.


This winter is ideal to spare some time to look back over the past few months and even years and to recognise how far you’ve come; and then to plan carefully or at least consider how you’d like to progress in exciting ways in the future. Developments will continue to encourage you to develop long-term plans for expansion, including self-improvement and changes at home. The two full moons in Capricorn will help put a full stop to health and work habits you’ve outgrown.


This winter, Jupiter will put the focus on improving your personal life, communications and general movements. You may be more active socially, or super busy at work. You’ll enjoy travel and may also be drawn to a new communications device or vehicle. It’s likely to be a particularly busy or even an unpredictable time mid-July, so find ways in June to plan ahead so that you’re ready to make the most of a progressive and also a productive time.


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