
Who’s Who in 2022, Inspiring People: Michelle Gilchrist

Working in a not-for-profit organisation, Michelle Gilchrist has seen people of all ages reach out for help as they struggle to make ends meet due to the rise in the cost of living.

With more people than ever losing their homes and being unable to afford groceries, Michelle from The Breakfast Club of Redcliffe has been instrumental in calling for donations and funding support that will help those that are homeless, or at risk of becoming homeless.

“Providing people with food is our biggest focus and what we are here for predominately,” Michelle told Moreton Daily in August.

The Breakfast Club of Redcliffe provides a free community dinner every Tuesday and Thursday from 4.30-5.30pm, as well as a hot breakfast every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7-8am.

Volunteers also go out two nights a week on Wednesday and Sunday to assist people living on the streets.

“We also make up food packs for the homeless. Some weeks we can give out 100 of these,” Michelle said.

In October, Michelle again called on local businesses and individuals to help the organisation raise enough money to buy a SleepBus, which will have the capacity to provide overnight accommodation for 20 people.

Michelle hopes to have the SleepBus in Redcliffe by winter 2023.

About Michelle Gilchrist

Michelle Gilchrist is one of the driving forces behind The Breakfast Club of Redcliffe.

She works tirelessly to get the organisation’s name, cause and fundraising initiatives out to the wider community, and one way she does that is by talking to Moreton Daily.

Michelle has featured in several articles throughout 2022, such as calling for donations of non-perishable food items that would help feed people who might otherwise have gone without.

In August 2022, Michelle initiated a call-out asking people for donations of items such as soups, stews, cereals, tinned fruit and vegetables, pasta, pasta sauce and snacks.

“All of the donations we receive are used for our meal services, so providing breakfast and dinners for people, as well as emergency food parcels,” she said at the time.

“The food parcels have a few items that will help someone for a few days.”

With more people struggling to make ends meet due to the rise in the cost of living, The Breakfast Club of Redcliffe has increased the number of meals it prepares. It is estimated the not-for-profit charity is now serving more than 1000 meals per month to struggling families and individuals.

The number of people sleeping rough in their cars or in tents around the peninsula is also on the rise.

In a bid to help combat the issue and ensure more vulnerable people have a roof over their heads, Michelle has spearheaded the campaign to bring a SleepBus to the Redcliffe peninsula.

She said the bus would make a big difference to people who are sleeping rough.

"This SleepBus will provide a safe place where people can come for the night and get a good night’s sleep,” she told Moreton Daily in October.

“If they are sleep-deprived, which a lot of our homeless people are, they can feel safe knowing they have somewhere horizontal to sleep and they won’t need to be keeping a look out for other people.

“A majority of the people who will use the SleepBus will sleep for the entire time because they are just so drained.”

In the lead-up to Christmas, Michelle was also front and centre as part of the Redcliffe Care Network Christmas Gift Appeal.